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When you run the Modular Installer, it will publish the tests for the provided Modules (like User Module, ACL Module, etc) to the ./tests directory (in your project root). The tests are written using the Pest 2 PHP Testing Framework.

Setting Up the Tests

Before running the initial test suite for your Modular installation, make the following changes in your ./phpunit.xml file:

  1. Add the new Modules testsuite entry.
  2. Ensure you uncomment the DB_CONNECTION and DB_DATABASE lines.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
        <testsuite name="Unit">
        <testsuite name="Feature">
        <testsuite name="Modules">
        <env name="APP_ENV" value="testing"/>
        <env name="BCRYPT_ROUNDS" value="4"/>
        <env name="CACHE_DRIVER" value="array"/>
        <env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="sqlite"/>
        <env name="DB_DATABASE" value=":memory:"/>
        <env name="MAIL_MAILER" value="array"/>
        <env name="QUEUE_CONNECTION" value="sync"/>
        <env name="SESSION_DRIVER" value="array"/>
        <env name="TELESCOPE_ENABLED" value="false"/>

Running the Tests

You can run the initial Test Suite by typing the following command in your Terminal (from your project root directory):


The result will be similar to:

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Auth\AuthenticationTest
 login screen can be rendered                                         0.19s
 users can authenticate using the login screen                        0.09s
 users can not authenticate with invalid password                     0.01s
 users can logout                                                     0.02s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Auth\PasswordResetTest
 reset password link screen can be rendered                           0.01s
 reset password link can be requested                                 0.02s
 reset password screen can be rendered                                0.01s
 password can be reset with valid token                               0.02s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Dashboard\DashboardTest
 it can render the dashboard page                                     0.02s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Permission\GetUserPermissionTest
 user permission service returns correct direct permissions for the…  0.01s
 user permission service returns correct empty permissions for the u… 0.01s
 user permission service returns correct role permissions for the us… 0.01s
 user permission service returns correct direct and role permissions… 0.01s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Permission\PermissionTest
 permission list can be rendered                                      0.02s
 permission can be created                                            0.01s
 permission edit can be rendered                                      0.01s
 permission can be updated                                            0.01s
 permission can be deleted                                            0.01s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Role\RolePermissionTest
 role permissions can be rendered                                     0.02s
 role permissions can be updated                                      0.01s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Role\RoleTest
 role list can be rendered                                            0.01s
 role can be created                                                  0.01s
 role edit can be rendered                                            0.01s
 role can be updated                                                  0.01s
 role can be deleted                                                  0.01s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Support\ActivityLogTraitTest
 it logs the activity for the model                                   0.01s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Support\EditorImageTraitTest
 it can upload an image to the default editor media file path         0.02s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Support\FileNameGeneratorTraitTest
 it can set the name of a uploaded file                               0.01s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Support\SearchableTraitTest
 it returns empty collection if no result is found                    0.01s
 it can search a single database column                               0.01s
 it can search multiple database columns                              0.01s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Support\UpdateOrderTraitTest
 it can update the order of the model items                           0.01s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Support\UploadFileTraitTest
 it can handle requests without uploads                               0.01s
 it can handle requests with wrong inputs                             0.01s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\User\UserPermissionTest
 user permissions can be rendered                                     0.01s
 user permissions can be updated                                      0.02s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\User\UserRoleTest
 user roles can be rendered                                           0.02s
 user roles can be updated                                            0.01s

   PASS  Tests\Feature\User\UserTest
 user list can be rendered                                            0.01s
 user can be created                                                  0.01s
 user edit can be rendered                                            0.01s
 user can be updated                                                  0.01s
 user can be deleted                                                  0.01s

  Tests:    45 passed (370 assertions)
  Duration: 0.96s

Writing Tests

As you create new modules, it is recommended that you write tests for them.

Modular provides a generator specifically for tests. This tool can be used to create a new test file for a given module, equipped with a basic blueprint.

The initial tests included in Modular's Core Modules serve as a useful starting point for your own tests. They cover all CRUD operations and include Inertia.js Specific Tests Syntax. For more information about testing, refer to the Pest 2 Testing Framework documentation and Testing Section of the Laravel Docs.