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The resources/js/Components/Overlay directory contains Vue components that have some kind of overlay functionality, like the ones listed below.


The AppConfirmDialog Vue component is a modal component generally used to confirm destructive actions, such as deleting content in your application. It is designed to enable the user to confirm or cancel the action with minimal effort in your Vue component. It can be used as follows:

    class="btn btn-destructive"
    Delete Customer

<AppConfirmDialog ref="confirmDialogRef"></AppConfirmDialog>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const confirmDialogRef = ref(null)

const confirmDelete = (deleteRoute) => {

const customer = { id: 369 }

Note that in the example above, the is hard-coded for demonstration purposes. However, in a real application, you generally have an array of customers, use a v-for loop, and pass the to the confirmDelete method.

The rendered result will be (click on the button to open the confirmation modal):


When the user confirms the deletion action in the AppConfirmDialog window, a DELETE request is automatically sent to your backend. In the example above, the deleteRoute will be /customer/369. By default, after the deletion, the user will be redirected to the index page of the Module in context (in this example, the Customer module), accompanied by a success toast message to provide visual feedback to the user.

AppConfirmDialog Exposed Methods

openModalThe route path to send a DELETE request if the user confirms the delete action (for example: '/customer/369')Opens the AppConfirmDialog modal.


The AppModal Vue component is a modal component that can be used to display any type of content in a consistent way. It can be used as follows:

<AppButton class="btn btn-primary" @click="openModal">
    Open Modal

<AppModal :is-modal-open="isModalOpen">
    <!-- Modal header -->
    <template #header>
            class="flex items-center justify-between rounded-t border-b border-skin-neutral-6 p-5"
            <h3 class="text-xl font-semibold lg:text-2xl">Header</h3>
                class="btn btn-neutral btn-icon"
                <i class="ri-close-line h-5 w-5"></i>

    <!-- Modal body -->
    <template #body>
        <div class="space-y-6 p-5">
            <p class="text-base leading-relaxed">
                You can put any content here...

    <!-- Modal footer -->
    <template #footer>
            class="flex items-center justify-end space-x-2 rounded-b border-t border-skin-neutral-6 p-5"
            <AppButton class="btn btn-primary" @click="closeModal">
                Ok, got it!
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const isModalOpen = ref(false)

const openModal = () => {
  isModalOpen.value = true

const closeModal = () => {
  isModalOpen.value = false

The rendered result will be (click on the button to open the modal):

AppModal Props

backdropClassesString'bg-skin-neutral-9 bg-opacity-75 fixed inset-0 z-50'The classes applied to the modal backdrop.
placementString'center'The placement of the modal content, can be center, top, bottom, left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right.
isModalOpenBooleanfalseThe current state of the Modal.

AppModal Slots

headerThe content of the modal header.
bodyThe content of the modal body.
footerThe content of the modal footer.


The AppSideBar Vue component wraps around the AppMenu within the AuthenticatedLayout component. It allows users to open or close the sidebar using the hamburger button located in the top left corner of the interface. See the image below for reference:

Sidebar Menu

AppSideBar Props

placementString'left'Determines the sidebar's position. Options: 'left' or 'right'. If set to 'right' the AuthenticatedLayout must be updated to accommodate the changes.
bodyScrollingBooleanfalseControls whether main content can be scrolled when the AppSideBar is open.
backdropBooleanfalseControls the visibility of the backdrop when the AppSideBar is open.
startsVisibleBooleantrueSets the initial visibility of the AppSideBar at component mount. Visible if true, hidden if false.

AppSideBar Slots

defaultThe content of the AppSideBar.